Faculty Research and Writing Colloquium

Faculty Colloquium Brochure

Purpose: What We Do

The Research & Writing Colloquium fosters intellectual exchange across disciplines, research interests, and methodologies. A dedicated Faculty Learning Community co-sponsored by Mercer’s Center for Teaching and Learning and the College of Liberal Arts Writing Program, the Faculty Colloquium provides structure and support for ongoing research, hosts presentations of that work, and facilitates participants’ development as scholars, artists, and writers.   

People: Who We Are

In the spirit of intellectual exchange and community, Colloquium participants come from across the University  from: the College of Liberal Arts, to the Schools of Medicine, Education, and Business. They also represent all stages of professional development, including junior faculty, mid-career associate professors, and full professors, as well as Distinguished  University Professors.  

Faculty Colloquium poster Gardner

Process: How We Work Together

The governing principle of the Faculty Colloquium is to provide structure, accountability, and support as faculty confront the challenges of forwarding their research agenda while at the same time maintaining excellence in teaching and service.  The Colloquium schedule includes structured writing time, periodic progress reports to the group, regular dialogue and feedback, a mid-year presentation, and a year-end deliverable detailing progress on the project and plans for continued research or creative work.

Faculty Colloquium plenary Daniels

For information on how to become a part of the Faculty Research and Writing Colloquium, contact: Dr. Deneen Senasi, Writing Program Director and Colloquium Facilitator at: Senasi_DM@Mercer.edu.